2016 Monument Lighting

2016UpdateMonumentLightingAMHOA had an inspection of the Monument lighting. After 25 years of wear and tear on these fixtures and the changes to Overland Park electricity codes it was time for an upgrade. The AMHOA board took a vote to replace the existing fixtures and wiring. This was put out to bid. AMHOA board voted on the bids for one contractor. The work has been completed. AMHOA supports 8 monuments, 7 which have lighting. The 7 monuments have been completely rewired, trenched, new junction boxes, new circuit breakers and new LED lights. LED lights were put into the pool area last year and AMHOA electric bill drop considerably. AMHOA is expecting the same for these lights too.

The 8th monument with no lighting: AMHOA has been waiting (25+years) for the city to put in street lights (electricity) on this corner, 129 & Quivira (south monument). Still no movement from the city of when this will happen. AMHOA is working with the city. AMHOA did get a quote from the contractor on what it would take to just get an electric line trenched to the monument, ~$2,000 alone. That does not include wiring to a LED light or junction box etc. This is quite expensive for just one monument. If the city was to place electricity at this corner trenching cost would be much cheaper. At present this is not in our 2016 budget but if progress is not made AMHOA board may vote to place this in the 2017 budget. AMHOA will keep you updated on this issue.