On December 1, 2017 the 2018 Amber Meadows Homes Owners Association’s Annual Assessment will be mailed out. You should receive yours within a few days. Please check your mailboxes. Dues of $425.00 are due January 1,2018. To view payment/penalty policy see link below.
Included in the mailing is a voting ballot with Proposed Amendments to By Laws & Restrictions. Following AMHOA rules each amendment (1-6) must be voted on and each must pass independently by 51% (371 Homes x 0.51 = 189.21, so 190 yes votes per amendment). For each proposed amendment you must Circle YES if you are in favor or NO if not. No circle on either Yes or No is considered a NO vote. One ballot per address. The voting document should be returned with your Annual Assessment no later than January 1, 2018. Counting of ballots will occur January 13, 2018 at Annual Meeting.
Mail all to: AMHOA C/O Young Management Group, Inc., 10660 Barkley St. Suite 200, Overland Park, KS 66212