When: Saturday, January 13, 2018 @ 9am-10:30am
Where: Colonial Presbyterian Church, 12501 W. 135th Street
Chris Cakes Pancake breakfast is FREE to all Amber Meadows HOA family members! Just come as you are! Great time for meet and greet your neighbors!
Annual meeting starts at 9:30am. Will count ballots for the Proposed Amendments to Amber Meadows Declaration of Restrictions. Vote for the 2018 AMHOA board members. Only half of the 2017 board members are returning so we need your help and support on the board. To see board member roles visit Board Roles and Responsibilities. Email President@MyAmberMeadows.com if you want your name on the preprinted board members ballot for January 13th.
Agenda: 2018-01-13-Agenda