Amber Meadows HOA August 2023 Meeting Minutes

Date: August 7, 2023 – 7:00 PM – Meeting held at AMHOA Pool

BoD Attendance:  Kyle Kuhlman, Cam Mahurin, Jeff Kander, Brandt Whittenburg, Dana O’Regan, Kathy Beard, Dave Hunt, Cliff Speegle

Homeowners: None

Contractors: None


Reading of the previous minutes, approved by the board. 6/6 approved. 

PRESIDENT/Homer Owner’s Minute

  • Not present


  • Willow Tree by the pool, Cam received permission to trim. 
  • Pool guy will get a quote to retile and repaint the pool. 


  • Reviewed June Financials
  • Followup with Matt to see if he has notified homeowners.
    • Liens will be applied within the month.


  • One request for Garrentt for new siding, colors were gray and white.
  • One Solar panel request. Kyle will follow up. 
  • Concern with one house off of Neiman with incomplete siding. 
    • Kathy will check with the homeowner.


  • Fire extinguisher has been activated at the pool. 
    • Do we need a new one? 
  • One pump down – This has been fixed. 
  • Baby Pool has been dirty – Cliff working with Pool guys to get this adjusted.
  • Pool guy quoted $7k to retile and repaint. Cliff will follow up.
  • Pool Ladder was removed and is back by the door to the pump room. 


  • Dead tree overhanging 129th Street next to Bond. 
    • Opcares ticket needs to be submitted
  • Crab Apple trees were pick up by Bretton’s
    • $1800 quote for willow tree trimming
    • Do this next year
    • Tree trimming has been punted until next year. 
  • No water for last three weeks
    • Up through June, Bretton’s has saved HOA $800 from last year. 


  • Met with website tech for access issues are resolved, troubleshooting architecture form. 
  • Going through general website info to see what info is outdated. 


  • Newsletter is ongoing.
  • Dana is asking for money for printing and has purchased a stamp. Budget is ~$200. 
    • Kyle to check with Young to get emails and contact info 
    • Kyle will send an email list to Dana. 

NEC meeting

  • Brandt went to July 11 meeting for codes, tree and housing. 
    • Codes:
      • Send info in spond app. Use non-emergency police number for issues of parking etc. 
    • Forester 
      • Has multiple forestry positions open. 
      • Taking down Ash trees. 
    • Housing Round Table
      • 2016-2021 housing prices rose 50%.

Social Committee

  • Movie night – tabled maybe part of fall fest.
    • Cam will check for equipment. 
  • Chiefs Game grill day – September 7th at 7PM. 
    • Cam is leading 
  • Hayride for October – 
    • Kathy the Hayride
    • ~$800 left in Social Budget
  • Fall Garage Sale Date
    • Kathy will coordinate with other HOAs

Unfinished Business and New Business

  • Create a Process for the allow exceptions
  • Bi-annual Trimming?
    • Willow Tree by the pool – $1800 from August Meeting tabled until next year
    • Could we coordinate with the homeowner? – Cam contacted homeowner and received permission
    • One Ash needs to be taken out, no location
    • Bi-annual Tree trimming is $3k. 
  • BoD will create a list of items to keep track of for the next few years.
    • Sinkhole cover north of the pool house
  • Rentals for within the neighborhood- are hearing concerns from homeowners
  • Street traffic is high
  • OPCares process.
  • Cars on Bond street or on driveways blocking sidewalks.
  • Could Restrictions be updated to include:
    • TBD
  • Note for next year, plastic Eggs probably need to be replaced. 
  • Keep ideas for 4th of July for next year.

Next Meeting: Tuesday September 5, 2023 at 7pm

Location: AMHOA Pool Or Price Chopper for the next meeting