Amber Meadows Garage Sale – Spring 2024


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It’s that time of year again! Time to clean out the garage, clean out the basement, and clean out those closets… the Spring Garage Sale is coming up on April 25th to April 27th!

Neighborhood Garage Sales

The Amber Meadows board is excited to announce the Spring Neighborhood Garage Sale will be April 11th through 13th.

In the fall we will have the Fall Neighborhood Garage Sale from September 12th through 14th.

This years garage sales will be in conjunction with the neighborhood sales for both Windham Hill and Windsor Manor. This will help bring in more potential customers for everyone.

For these sales we will put up signs on the entrances to the neighborhood and will be offering signs to point towards houses with sales. More information on the signs will be available later this month.

Please sign up for our newsletter. The form can be found to the right.

Spring Garage Sale – April 19th to 21st

The Spring Garage Sale is just around the corner. If you have some treasure to clear out of your house for others to discover then please join us for the Spring Garage Sale on April 19th through the 21st.

If you plan on participating, please let us know by emailing us at [email protected].

Happy Selling!