Minutes for April 14th, 2020 Board Meeting

Below is a link to the preliminary meeting minutes for the board meeting on April 14th, 2020.

Please download the Meeting Minutes here:


Attendance:   Kyle Kuhlman, Matt Stevens, Patrick Thurmond, Karen Bartelli, Cliff Speegle

Recognized Homeowners Present:  Mike Bretton, Paul Dominick, Anthony and Monique White, Scott Levich

Motions and Approval of Minutes:   

  • Previous Meeting minutes were approved by vote of board

Old Action Items

  • 2/11/2020: Replacement of Bond monument light:    Completed and will be removed from Action items (See Below)
  • 2/11/2020: Secure Quotes on concrete pool deck repair :  Due to difficulty obtaining bid with Covid 19 outbreak, this item will be address this Fall – The pool deck will be patched for the 2020 season – Placed on hold until fall
  • 3/10/2020: Contact Young Management about providing summary of 2020 assessment fees by lot:  On Hold due to Covid 19 – board focusing of how Covid 19 may effect 2020 fee assessment payment
  • 3/10/2020:  Gather bids for fence replacement :   Completed (see below), will be removed from action item

Discussion Items

What Fences are owned and maintained by the AMHOA?

To clarify, the AMHOA owns, and is responsible for, age related maintenance of fencing that runs ago the following borders

Section A:  Quivira Road:  North from 129th Street to  127th Street

Section B:  127th Street : East from Quivira to Bond Street

Section C:  127th Street : East from Bond Street to Nieman Road

Fencing that runs along Nieman South from 127th to 129th is owned and maintained by the homeowner.

  • It is believed that since the Homes backing Nieman were some of the last to be built, their fencing was not initially included in the AMHOA Bylaws – Residents have requested that this issue be considered when establishing new ByLaws when appropriate

Landscaping Questions

A few residents had questions about current landscaping procedures and brainstormed with the HOA Board about problem areas, mainly located off Nieman road.  Plan Proposed for board members and/or residents to meet with the current Lawn Care Service to offer suggestions.

Review by Positions


  • Monuments at 127th and Bond now have new lighting components and are burning bright!
  • Unfortunately the monuments at 129th and Quivira do not have access to electricity.  Previously the board was utilizing  residential solar Lighting, but it was felt this wattage was inadequate.   The board voted to purchase commercial Grade solar LED Lighting to hopefully solve this problem. 

VICE PRESIDENT:   No New information


  • 9 Homeowners have yet to pay their 2020 Assessment Fees –  Those individuals should be receiving correspondence discussing payment and lien information.  Please contact the Board if you are having difficulty paying the assessment due to Covid 19 Unemployment or similar issues.  



  • Spring Garage Sale will be postponed due to Covid 19 “Stay in Place” Order – More information to come

SECRETARY:   No new information


  • Bids were received for new fencing on Section A and Section B (see definitions above) 
  • Mann and Mac Fencing companies produced bids with the Board voting to accept the proposal from Mann Fencing Company.
  • The Board had voted and agreed to proceed with new fencing for Section B ( 127th Street East from Quivira to Bond)
  • Section A fencing will be re-evaluated for minor fixes, but complete replace will not take place this year.
  • Section C has already been replaced
  • The board will continue with plans for replanting the monuments at 129th and Quivira


  • Electrical company was contacted to assess the lighting in the pool. – Pool lights have not been working properly and were turned off last season for safety.  – It was recommended that 2 of the lights be retro-fitted for new LED fixtures with new junction boxes.  Being the new fixtures will provide more lumens than previous bulbs – only 2 of the 4 pool lights will be required.  The board voted and approved to complete this work prior to the pool opening.
  • Due to difficulties obtaining bids to fix the concrete pool deck  – this project will be re-addressed after the closing of the pool.  Areas of the pool decking the require attention will be patched for the 2020 season.
  • The board will move forward with the plan to open the pool on Memorial Day.  We will continue to be in contact with the city for recommendations due to the Covid 19 outbreak.


  • Special Thanks to Patrick for setting up our online meeting!  Please watch for information on Next month’s meeting.

WELCOME WAGON:  No new information

New or Continued Action Items

  • 4/14/2020: Replacement Fencing for Section A and B:  Continue to monitor progress for new fencing and replacement
  • 4/14/2020:  Replanting at Monuments 129th and Quivira
  • 4/14/2020:  Replacement of Pool LIghts
  • 4/14/2020:  Landscaping concerns off Nieman
  • 4/14/2020:  Reschedule Garage Sale dates

Action Items on Hold

  • 2/11/2020: Secure Quotes on concrete pool deck repair :  Due to difficulty obtaining bid with Covid 19 outbreak, this item will be address this Fall – The pool deck will be patched for the 2020 season – Placed on hold until fall
  • 3/10/2020: Contact Young Management about providing summary of 2020 assessment fees by lot:  On Hold due to Covid 19 – board focusing of how Covid 19 may effect 2020 fee assessment payment

Next Meeting:  May 12, 2020 @  7:00pm

Minutes for March 10th, 2020 Board Meeting

Below is a link to the preliminary meeting minutes for the board meeting on March 10th, 2020.

Please download the Meeting Minutes here:


Attendance:   Kyle Kuhlman, Matt Stevens, Patrick Thurmond, Karen Bartelli, Cliff Speegle

Recognized Homeowners Present:  Mike Bretton

Motions and Approval of Minutes:   

  • Previous Meeting minutes were approved by vote of board
  • Motion made and board approved to proceed with meeting without  Robert’s Rules of Order

Old Action Items

 2/11/2020: Research cost of snow removal – The homeowner who inquired about this issue is currently in contact with the city of Overland Park and will update the AMHOA with information regarding new regulations/options as there are available (will remove from action items at this time and addressed when more information becomes available)

2/11/2020: Replacement of Bond monument lights –  Board approved to move forward with this task and repairs are scheduled to take place within the next 30 days (Continue)

2/11/2020: Secure Quotes on concrete deck repair and fence replacement – continue: plan is for quotes to be obtain prior to our next board meeting scheduled 4.14.2020 (Continue)

2/11/2020: Purchase of monument Christmas Lights – Completed and will be removed from action items

Discussion Items

Board Member Karen Bartelli attended the Neighborhood Executive Committee (NEC) Meeting 3.3.2020.  Items discussed at the meeting included: 

The City Of Overland Park is gathering information on ways to strengthen enforcement with the city code in regards to Trash cans and parking of commercial vehicles. 

  • All items stored on the exterior of the property (esp. trash cans) shall be screened from view of the street and all neighbors and behind the front line of the home
  • Commercial vehicles may be parked on private property or in residential areas on one occurrence during a 30 day period.  The occurrence may not exceed 24 hours in duration.  City ordinance considers  some trucks and vans to be commercial vehicles.

A representative from Evergy (Rebecca Galai)  was present and provided information about the merger between KCPL and Westar.  Some highlights from this merger include:

  • There will be no base rate changes until 2023 and residents should see a bill credit every year for the next 4 years, this credit will most likely be integrated into your billing
  • Evergy is looking for individual who are interested in participating in a community solar program,

Review by Positions

PRESIDENT:   No New information

VICE PRESIDENT:   No New information


  • Young Management Company contacted the AMHOA to notify them of a new system that will be available for our use.   The new system (including an extra fee) allows Young Management to pay bills directly to contractors without the signature approval of the Board, thus decreasing payment time for vendors.  The Board voted to decline participation in this program.
  • Received bids for 1 year for Insurance:  the top two were: Auto Owners (current provider) $2686, State Farm $2766 although this quote included lower coverage limits – The board voted to continue with Auto Owners.
  • The Board has saved over $15,000 since 2017 – It is estimated that the project for Fencing Repair will utilize these funds
  • We continue to have 18 residents that have not paid the 2020 Assessment fee – a second notice will be sent to these individuals before the board moves forward with placing liens 
  • We have asked Young Management to provide a summary of those paid by Lot number rather than Last name to avoid any miscommunication  (created action Item)



  • Easter Egg hunt: April 11th – in process of hiring balloon twister and board member to provide face painting
  • Spring Garage Dates will be April 23-25 

SECRETARY:   No new information


  • A homeowner contacted the board to see if it was possible to include glass recycling into our current contract with Deffenbaugh.  It was found the addition of glass recycling would increase rates an extra $20 per household.  The board declined to pursue this option and recommend home owners continue to utilize the glass recycling available in front of Price Chopper.
  • Continue to monitor the weather and communicate with Betton Lawn Care service for replanting at the 2 monuments located at 129th and Quivira
  • Per Bretton Lawn Care Service – 3 trees are scheduled to be planted in common areas and sod repair will begin off Nieman as weather permits
  • Mulching is scheduled to be completed within the next 2 weeks


  • Will adjust the late fee amount located on the website for those who have not already paid their 2020 assessment fees. 

WELCOME WAGON:  No new information

New or Continued Action Items

  • 2/11/2020: Replacement of Bond monument light
  • 2/11/2020: Secure Quotes on concrete deck repair and fence replacement
  • 3/10/2020: Contact Young Management about providing summary of 2020 assessment fees by lot
  • 3/10/2020:  Gather bids for fence replacement 

Minutes for February 11th, 2020 Board Meeting

Below is a link to the preliminary meeting minutes for the board meeting on February 11th, 2020.

Please download the Meeting Minutes here:




Matt Stevens – President

Patrick Thurmond – Vice President

Kyle Kuhlman – Treasurer

Cliff Speegle – Grounds/Pool

Mike Bretton – Resident

Becky Crowder – Resident

Jay Crowder – Resident


Review and approval of previous meetings minutes

  • Approved minutes

Resident Item

  • Kay and Jay Crowder came to the meeting to discuss sidewalk snow removal requirements
    • Kay reviewed her conversations with the City of Overland Park and what she has found other city’s do in regards to having property owners remove snow from sidewalks. It is a challenging issue for cities to enforce and keep property owners educated about responsibilities.  Kay will have more information later in the year from Overland Park.
    • Kay wants sidewalks to be safe for people needing to use them after snow events.
    • Through her conversations and research she has realized that neighborhoods should clear common ground sidewalks. She asked if we had considered doing this for our common sidewalks (Quivira, 127th, and Neiman)
    • The HOA  quoted the cost of sidewalk snow removal in 2019 and it was found to be expensive. The board will look into how snow removal can be managed and funded in the future.
  • The Crowders also asked about solar shingles and HOA restrictions. 
    • The by-laws don’t allow attachments to roofs but solar shingles aren’t addressed. They could  potentially be allowed if they were part of the roof and met architectural requirements. The HOA has not been approached with request for solar shingles yet. 

Grounds contract

  • The board review grounds contracts bids. Costs were comparable and Bretton’s Lawn Inc. has provided good service over previous contracts
  • The board voted to approve the contract with Bretton’s Lawn Inc. for 2020 and additional services of fall lawn overseeding. Amber Meadows will prepay on the contract and receive a 5% discount.

Discussion Items

  • Monument lights – solar lights have had a fair success at 129th and Bond. The board will look into commercial grade solar panels that can provide additional lumens to match the other monuments. 
  • A replacement fixture for the  monument light that is out at Bond and 127th has been found. It will be replaced soon. In the meantime, leftover solar landscape lights are being used.
  • Pool security and cameras will be addressed when the pool opens in summer so all board members have camera access via phone app.
  • Cliff Speegle will look into quotes on pool deck concrete repairs
  • Pool lights will be checked prior to opening by an electrician
  • Discussed opening pool on May 21st to match up with the last day of school
  • Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt will be Saturday April 4th
  • Fall Festival will be October 10th
  • Kyle Kuhlman gave a review of HOA dues received to date. Approximately 10 % of properties have yet to pay. This is a typical number compared to other years. Youngs Management will send out notices to remaining properties.
  • The board reviewed the 2020 budget
    • Monument planting upgrades at Quivira and 129th were included
    • Monument christmas light upgrades were included. Matt Stevens will order lights for all monuments. 
    • Sprinkler system repair costs were increased based on 2019 repair needs.
    • Fence replacement from Bond west to Quivira was discussed and will be quoted for replacement. This has been on the radar for a number of years.
    • Increased Welcome Wagon budget. 

Action Items

  1. Research snow removal costs and options
  2. Replace Bond monument light
  3. Secure quotes on concrete deck repair, fence replacement
  4. Purchase monument christmas lights

Next Meeting 

March 10th @ 7pm at Price Chopper

Preliminary (unapproved) Minutes for January 13th, 2020 Board Meeting

Below is a link to the preliminary meeting minutes for the board meeting on January 13th, 2020.

Please download the Meeting Minutes here:

Attendance:   2020 Board: Kyle Kuhlman, Matt Stevens, Patrick Thurmond, Karen Bartelli, Cliff Speegle

Approval of Minutes:   Previous Meeting minutes were approved

Recognized Homeowners Present:  Mike Bretton, Shane Walker, Kristen and Conner Thurmond

New DIscussion: 

Annual Voting for 2020 Board was held:

  • Candidates up for election: Karen Bartelli, Kyle Kuhlman, Matt Stevens, Patrick Thurmond, Cliff Speegle
  • All Candidates were re-elected for the 2020 year

Board Meetings Scheduled for 2020 – Unless otherwise stated:

  • Board Meeting will be held on the second Tuesday of the Month at 7:00pm , Price Chopper, 11700 W 135th in Overland Park, KS
  • Here are the proposed meeting dates but are subject to change:

 Feb. 11th,  March 10th, April 14th,  May 12th, June 9th, July 14th,  Aug. 11th, Sept. 8th, Oct 13th,   Nov. 10th, Dec. 8th

  • All Homeowners are encouraged to attend


  • Matt Stevens was elected to continue in his role as President of the AMHOA. 
  • Reviewed rules of procedure that are to be followed in Meetings for 2020 
  • Estimates for Neighborhood Waste Management were presented – with the Board voting to establish a new contract with Deffenbaugh/Waste Management for the next 5 years.  As with all utilities, the cost has increased and we will continue to look at how this will impact the 2021 HOA Assessment Fee – We will continue to inform residents that a  vote to increase the 2021 Assessment fee by $25.00 per household is predicted
  • After discussion with Deffenbaugh about bulk pick up days ( scheduled the 3rd Saturday of each month) it was recommended that homeowners contact Deffenbaugh to notify them if you will require pick up – call 1-800-631-3301
  • Bulk Trash pickup dates are as follows:   Jan. 23rd, Feb. 20th, March 19th, April 23rd, May 21st, June 18th, July 23rd, Aug. 20th, Sept. 24th, Oct. 22nd, Nov. 19th

  • Results of the Bidding process were are follows:

Deffenbaugh Waste Management – $15.00 a month, per household

Gardner Disposal – $18.00 a month, per household

KC DIsposal – $14.50 a month, per household

Republic Disposal – did not respond to our request for a bid

  • Although KC Disposal entered a slightly lower bid, the board felt it was not worth changing out trash cans and other transition inconveniences

VICE PRESIDENT:   Patrick Thurmond was elected to fulfill the position as VP for 2020 – He will be responsible for leading the monthly board meeting should Matt Stevens be unable to attend.


  • Kyle Kuhlman was elected to continue in the role as Treasurer for 2020
  • The AMHOA is on budget for 2019 with a 5-7% savings.  This savings is necessary for the Bigger budget items schedule throughout the next 5 years.  (Fencing, Pool Maintenance, Grounds Maintenance, etc – see more under “Grounds and Pool” report.
  • We have currently received approximately 50% of the 2020 Assessment Fees.  As of Feb. 1st, Young Management will begin adding a $25.00 per month late fee and will send out notices to homeowners who have yet to pay.  
  • Our 2nd largest budget item in 2019 was ground repairs and maintenance (Trash is 1st)
  • Over the next month, the board will work on setting the yearly budget for 2020.


  • Karen Bartelli was elected to continue as head of the Architectural committee for 2020.
  • Implemented a new policy that Homeowner’s request for home additions and other requests that fall outside that of basic house maintenance will be placed on the agenda and discussed at the following board meeting to allow for residents to request further information if desired.
  • Because of this new policy, we would like to notify residents that there may be a 1-2 month wait period for approval of their requests.


  • The board voted to share the responsibilities for Social events.
  • The Board voted to hold the following Social Events for 2020:  Easter Egg Hunt, 4th of July Parade/Celebration, Fall Festival, and the Holiday Light Decoration Contest
  • If any residents are interested in organizing and/or assisting in these events, please contact Us!!


  • Karen Bartelli was elected to continue as Secretary for 2020.


  • Cliff Speegle was elected to continue as head of Grounds and Pool for 2020 
  • Completed replanting at the monument on 129th and Nieman – cost was approx $1000 Vs $3000 for a professional installation.  The Board would love to hear your opinions!
    • Plan is to Budget for 2 more monument plantings, the 2 monuments off 129 and Quivira) in addition to adding annuals for color.
    • We continue to have difficulties with the light for the monument at 127th and Bond.  Will look into getting bids for fixing this problem.
    • Trial with solar lights on the monuments located at 129th and Quivira were not as effective as we had hoped.  The board will continue to look for alternative lighting options. Unlike the other monuments, there is no electricity at these monuments.
    • Scheduled to have 3 trees placed along 129th and Quivira this Spring
    • Met with the City Forester about replacing the Ash trees on Bond street.  They have identified a few trees that are scheduled to be replaced over the next 2 years.  If you have a concern about your tree located on city property (between the sidewalk and the street) please notify the City Forester office at 913-327-6639
  • Pool
  • We had a brief conversation about providing vending machines at the pool for homeowner convenience.  It was recommended that a poll be run to determine how residents felt about this issue. If the board decided to proceed with this plan, please note that no cost would be occurred to the AMHOA
  • Pool Safety is a concern for everyone, the Board is looking into hosting a Pool Safety Class for children at the beginning of the season.
  • BUDGET ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION:   The following are big budget maintenance items that will require our attention and funds over the next 1-5 years
    • Fence replacement – The Board has been saving for fence replacement for the last couple of years and voted to tackle replacement over several years.  The section of fencing from 127th and Bond to Neimain was replaced in 2017. Fencing along Quivira and east on 127th to Bond also need replacement.   Estimation for the entire project is between $40,000 to $50,000.
    • We are currently looking into who is responsible for the block retaining wall that runs along Nieman.  If Amber Meadows is responsible rather than the City we will need to gather information on the cost of wall reconstruction.
    • The neighborhood sprinkler system is starting to show it’s age – We will look at increasing this budget item to account for additional costs.
    • The Pool decking on the East side of the pool was replaced a couple of years ago.  We are now looking at maintenance for the West side of the pool deck, as well as re-tiling the top edge of the pool,  re-painting, and underwater lighting maintenance.
    • The pool cover will also need to be replaced in the next 1-3 years.


  • Patrick Thurmond was elected to continue as WebMaster for 2020.
  • Approximately 50% of homeowners are opening emails from the Board
  • Completed website overall, increase ease of access, speed, and appearance


  • Homeowner, Mrs. Speegle has graciously volunteered to be head of the neighbor Welcome wagon.  
  • It was recommended that along with the Welcome Basket, the new homeowners also receive the names and phone numbers of neighbors. 

Next Meeting:  Feb. 11th @ 7:00pm