Agenda for July 13th, 2021 HOA Board Meeting

This is the agenda for the upcoming board meeting on May 18th, 2021.

  1. Roll call.
  2. Review and approval of previous meetings minutes
  3. Special items
    1. Architecture Committee – Approval of structure construction/home addition.
    2. Volleyball event follow-up
    3. Fall Event Planning
    4. Plan for raising assement and rentals.
    5. Planning for larger costs in coming years
    6. Pool pump replacement
  4. Board Officer Regular Check-In

When: July 13th @ 7:00pm

Where: Amber Meadows HOA Pool

Address: 12701 Bond St, Overland Park, KS 66213

Google Maps:

Annual Meeting January 16th

We will be having our annual meeting on January 16th, 2021 at 10:00am. We will be doing the annual meeting via Zoom.

Agenda Items

  • Elect new HOA board for 2021
  • Discuss coming dues increases
  • Review 2020 board actions and accomplishments
  • Discuss any concerns from our neighbors.

The meeting will start at 10am. The meeting room will allow people in as early as 9:30am.

Let us know if you will be attending via this simple poll…

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Topic: Amber Meadows HOA
Time: Jan 16, 2021 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 936 5650 2847
Passcode: upY61f

Meeting Agenda and Details for December 8th, 2020

This is the agenda for the upcoming board meeting on December 8th, 2020.

  1. Roll call.
  2. Review and approval of previous meetings minutes
  3. Special items
    1. Christmas lights
    2. Possible dues increase
    3. Annual meeting
  4. Board Officer Regular Check-In

When: December 8th @ 7:00pm

Where: Online / Videoconference

To join the meeting on a computer or mobile phone:
Phone Dial-in
 +1.408.317.9254 (US (San Jose))

One Touch Dial-in:
US – tel:+14083179254,,,,436000075#,,#

Meeting ID: 436 000 075

Meeting Agenda and Details for November 10th, 2020

This is the agenda for the upcoming board meeting on November 10th, 2020.

  1. Roll call.
  2. Review and approval of previous meetings minutes
  3. Special items
    1. Christmas lights
    2. Upcoming dues
    3. Possible dues increase
  4. Board Officer Regular Check-In

When: November 10th @ 7:00pm

Where: Online / Videoconference

To join the meeting on a computer or mobile phone:
Phone Dial-in
 +1.408.317.9254 (US (San Jose))

One Touch Dial-in:
US – tel:+14083179254,,,,436000075#,,#

Meeting ID: 436 000 075