4th of July Parade and Pool Party

Just a reminder, we will be having a 4th of July Parade and Pool Party tomorrow.

This year’s bicycle and riding toy parade will begin at 11:00 am at 129th & Bond. We recommend trying to get there by 10:45 am. It will be lead by an Overland Park Police patrol car.

The parade ends at the pool where we will be having a party with a water balloon toss, hot dogs, and shaved ice.

Come and have some fun with your neighbors!

Spring Garage Sale – April 19th to 21st

The Spring Garage Sale is just around the corner. If you have some treasure to clear out of your house for others to discover then please join us for the Spring Garage Sale on April 19th through the 21st.

If you plan on participating, please let us know by emailing us at [email protected].

Happy Selling!